Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

Comebacknya Wonder Girls & SNSD

Dengan persiapan comeback mereka yang hanya menunggu beberapa saat lagi, JYP Entertainment, selaku agensi yang menaungi Wonder Girls, baru-baru ini menjelaskan persiapan Wonder Girls termasuk dengan kemungkinan persiangan pada SNSD yang comeback di waktu sama.

With the preparation of their comeback just wait a while longer, JYP Entertainment, as the agency that houses the Wonder Girls, recently explained the preparation of the Wonder Girls including the possibility of the SNSD persiangan a comeback at the same time.

Senin (17/10), JYPE berkomentar, "Bohong jika kami bilang tidak stres dengan comeback SNSD. Tapi karena kami berada di depan semua member, kami lebih berkonsentrasi untuk memberikan sebuah album yang berkualitas."

Monday (17/10), JYPE commented, "Liar if we said no stress with SNSD's comeback. But since we are in front of all members, we are more concentrated to give a quality album."

JYPE sendiri sampai saat ini masih bungkam terhadap konsep comeback Wonder Girls. Mereka hanya menegaskan bahwa Wonder Girls tidak akan mengusung konsep retro yang sama seperti yang ada pada Tell Me, So Hot, dan 2 Different Tears. Kabarnya, Wonder Girls sendiri telah menyelesaikan rekaman lagu mereka dan terus pulang-pergi antara Korea dan Amerika.

JYPE itself is still silent on the concept of the Wonder Girls comeback. They only confirmed that the Wonder Girls will not carry the same retro concept as on the Tell Me, So Hot, and 2 Different Tears. Reportedly, the Wonder Girls themselves have completed recording their songs and continue back and forth between Korea and America. 

"Mereka terus menghasilkan banyak lagu selama di Amerika. Meski sudah kembali ke Korea minggu lalu, mereka masih sangat terfokus pada rekaman mereka. Judul lagunya akan sangat berbeda dengan konsep retro terdahulu, kami akan segera merilis gambar mereka," jelas wakil dari JYPE.

"They continue to produce many of the songs while in America. Although already returned to Korea last week, they are still very focused on their record. The title song will be very different from the previous retro concept, we will soon release their image," explained the representative of JYPE.

Salah satu alasan mengapa JYPE memutuskan untuk meninggalkan konsep retro adalah karena seluruh lagu di album tersebut akan dimasukkan dalam film mereka di Amerika, The Wonder Girls at the Apollo. Lagu-lagu itu tidak hanya untuk film tersebut, namun juga untuk target pasar Amerika.

One of the reasons why JYPE decided to abandon the concept of retro is because all the songs on the album will be included in their films in America, The Wonder Girls at the Apollo. The songs were not just for the film, but also to target the American market. 

Meskipun mereka telah mengkonfirmasi akan comeback pada awal November, JYPE belum memberikan tanggal resmi. Di mana Wonder Girls dilaporkan masih dalam proses pemilihan lagu yang tersisa.
"Karena ini album pertama yang akan rilis setelah sekian lama, kami menempatkan banyak perhatian di setiap lagu. Kami akan bekerja untuk merilis sebuah album yang akan membuat kagum dan begitu hebat. Kami meminta dukungan anda,

Although they have been confirmed will comeback in early November, JYPE not give an official date. Where's the Wonder Girls were reported still in the process of selecting the remaining songs.
"Because this is the first album to be release after so long, we put a lot of attention in each song. We will work to release an album that will amaze and so great. We ask for your support,

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